HOW TO USE **Prerequisites + Java 1.8+ is required to run the application. + is required in order to compute SMILESVec similarity. You should place it under the same folder with jar file. + CDK (Chemistry Development Kit) to compute similarity. ( ** How to run + java -jar ligandcentricnetwork.jar input.txt operationNo Operations (1) CDK's own similarity, ( (2) Lingo-based SMILES similarity, (3) SmilesVec (average) similarity, (4) SmilesVec (min-max) similarity. ** Input + To use your own data, you should prepare it in the following input form in a text file, ProteinID LigandID SMILES e.g.sample_input.txt, P25910 MES C1COCC[NH+]1CCS(=O)(=O)[O-] P0C5C1 SFR C[C@H]([C@H]([C@@H]1NC(=C(S1)[C@H]2CCCO2)C(=O)O)C(=O)O)O P0AD64 17O c1c2n(nc1C3C(=CNC(=CS3)C(=O)O)C=O)CSC2 .... ** Output + Six different text files each containing a network table are produced. They can be easily imported into Cytoscape. 1. "ide_unw.txt", unweighted identity 2. "ide_wei.txt", weighted identity 3. "ide_norm_wei.txt", normalized weighted identity 4. "sim_unw.txt", unweighted similarity 5. "sim_wei.txt", weighted similarity 6. "sim_norm_wei.txt", normalized weighted similarity